The Kerchner Family Podcast

Friday, March 31, 2006

Ralph Raymond Kerchner III

The first Kerchner sibling appears this week in the form of Rick. Find out how his front porch is like a bus stop, why you should always do your own taxes, and why not working is so much better than working.

PROGRAM NOTE: The Kerchner Family Podcast will have to be put on hold for the next two weeks as I, your humble host, will be travelling with my church's choir in England and Scotland. Sorry for the interruption, but I promise to do more upon my return!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Lee Celeste Kerchner

Our brave guest this week is (Lee) Celeste Kerchner, the first of the in-laws to appear on the podcast. Listen in as I reveal myself to be ignorant about Awanas, we discuss the big secret of parenting, and we are all treated to the Dragon Tales theme song.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Katrina Marie Mayberry Horner

At the request of the female members of our family, our interviewee this week is Katie Horner nee Mayberry. Katie tells us about being all grown up and responsible-like, how little a difference that can make at your church, and what she's doing to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Mitch Taylor Morin

Our next victim this week (unwitting and unaware of what he was getting himself into, apparently) is Mitch Morin. Listen as we geek out about percussion equipment, compare high school populations, and dis Grand Chancellor Rob.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Wesley Todd Burrell

Our first guinea pig for the Kerchner Family Podcast is Wesley Todd Burrell. Wes talks to me about what's keeping him up late, his thoughts about French people, and how Hearts can be a rite of passage.

Welcome to the Family!

Greetings Kerchner family! Welcome to the brand-new Kerchner Family Podcast. This blog will serve as the warehouse for all new episodes of the podcast.

Just to give you a little background, I've been thinking lately how unfortunate it is that we don't all stay in touch with each other as much as we'd like. But let's face it...none of us has enough time in the day to keep up with all 43 of us (I think that's the right number these days). So, in an effort to save time and keep everyone somewhat connected, I thought it might be interesting to do weekly updates, with a different member of the family getting interviewed each week. My goal is to produce one a week, posting new episodes every Friday. You can think of this podcast as the 21st century incarnation of our old Kerchner family videotape which got passed around among family members for a while.

Just what is a podcast, you ask? Well, a podcast is basically like a radio show, consisting of a series of downloadable audio files. Contrary to popular belief, you do NOT need an iPod to listen to a podcast. All you need is a computer, which you obviously have if you're reading this!

To listen to an episode, just click on the title of the entry and it should automatically start playing on your computer. Alternatively (and what makes a podcast a podcast), you can choose to subscribe to the podcast, so that every time I post a new episode, it will be automatically downloaded to your computer, so you can then play it back whenever you like. To do this, you need a piece of free software called an aggregator. The most popular of these is iTunes, which can be downloaded and installed for free at:

Another good one is calle Juice, and can be found at:

To subscribe to the podcast using iTunes, select Advanced from the menu at the top of the screen, and choose Subscribe to Podcast. Then when the dialogue box pops up, enter:

It's just that easy! If anyone has any questions, comments or trouble getting this to work, please email me at and let me know. I hope you take advantage of this podcast, and enjoy keeping up with our family!
